Gillette Advantage
August 2011 ––While functioning as design director at the Swamp of Blackness, munkowitz conceived and designed a three tiered visual effect for a Gillette Advantage pitch, combining disciplines to render a unique and captivating visual moment in the spot.
Gillette ‘Advantage Barrier’ Breakdown
–– 01To achieve the high-end design language of our ‘Advantage Barrier,’ three distinct and sophisticated layers will be synchronized and composited together to achieve an original and unique visual effect. The three components of the Advantage Barrier: an in-camera Slow-Shutter effect, a 3D Prismic Audio Volume, and a custom Processing overlay will together lend a infinite degree of aesthetic luxury and detail, and will surely be the first of it’s kind.
In-Camera Slow Shutter
–– 02 Utilizing the tested and true in-camera technique of slow-shutter speed, we will capture the athlete on a separate takes sprinting across the frame in a high-speed visual feast of surreal warped motion. This language will serve as the foundation of our effect, will greatly inform the other design layers and will serve as a refreshing component of practical in-camera effects.
3D Prismic Audio Volume
–– 03Using high-level tracking techniques, we will gather the three dimensional data of our hero shot and model a gorgeous holographic prism of audio frequency response surrounding the action, which our athlete will ultimately shatter with high-speed kinetic force, creating a rich visual feast of textural fabric and distortion, further emphasizing the importance of the aural element in the spot.
Processing Overlay
–– 04 The third and most exciting layer is the development of a custom-coded processing application that will take in the tracking data of the shot and generate and envelope of beautiful design-based data, adding an intriguing technological data blanket into our Barrier and lending the modern digital edge it needs. This custom processing app could also be an ownable component that could be repurposed for online and interactive campaigns.