Hummer Selector
September 2007 ––Master Director Joseph Kosinski contacted munkowitz to design and animate a videogame interface for his Hummer 'Selector' spot. The concept was to have the interface mirror an A.D.D child on crack's hyperactive gameplay, configuring a perfect Hummer with a dizzying array of options. The spot's CG was executed to perfection by the talented crew at Digital Domain, and through this experience, munkowitz was introduced to a core group of DD all-stars that he'd work extensively with in the future's future.
The Film
–– 01Interface development
–– 02What started off a very layered and detailed menu system stripped down to a more tasteful 'future-apple' minimalism. It's JoeKo's world; can't mess with the minimalist; he'll make it good.

Icon development
–– 03A great deal of munko's time was spent designing icons for each 'feature' of the Bummer. Each graphic element had to be agency approved, yet in the end Luke ( the Modernista Art Director) was extremely chill during the process, mighty good man, Luke.
–– 04They called this one the BUMR_gangbang.eps. would've made a rad t-shirt spazz.