
TV1 Rebrand

September 2003 ––
While serving as design director at Engine Design Sydney, munkowitz co-designed ( w/ DF1 + Finnegan the great ) and animated these whimsical idents for TV1 networks. The concept was to give personality to the characteristic rounded square that TV1 used extensively in their branding, creating a language that could be versioned out quickly for subsequent IDs. Take all that and composite it all into a lens flare extravaganza and a network branding package is born.

The Film

–– 01

Original Styleframes

–– 02

The original styleframes rendered a bright, lively and accessible language that fit nicely with the brand. The challenge was to translate that same vibe through the animation as well.

Alternate Direction

–– 03

Munko tried a dark, moody caustical aesthetic that just wasn't the right vibe for the upbeat nature of the channel so these didn't get far.

Lead Designer, Lead Animator

at Engine Design
for TV1 Networks